An underground medicine
It's hard for me to believe so few people have discovered Fu Xi Wen. It is the best medicine on the planet -- incredibly versatile, curative, and free. Yet, every day I scan the web logs and I'm underwhelmed. I know one day I will look back and see the positive side of this. I get to come home from the clinic and enjoy the quietude, with no pressures to produce more treatments. Ahhh, the good life.
But I know the secret. Like all secrets, this one will one day become public knowledge. The fringes become the mainstream when the fringes are amazing.
Peace out.
FuXIWen is very disconcerting for the Western Mind. I am often shown puzzled looks and "fruitcake" being muttered underneath the breath when I talk about it with people. It is powerful, but will take some getting used to for our culture!
BTW, I linked to your blog!
9:45 AM
On the one hand, Fu Xi Wen is really outside the box of our culture. Sound to heal. Balance model instead of disease model.
On the other hand, modern technologies are awfully close to outside the box. Ultrasound that breaks up kidney stones. MRIs that can use magnets to make pictures of your tissues. The only difference between Fu Xi Wen and these technologies is that Fu Xi Wen uses traditional theory and one's own body as the diagnostic tool.
When people look back and see how long Fu Xi Wen has been available to them before it was mainstreamed, they will likely feel very very sad. That is how I felt when finally acupuncture healed me of my allergies. So many years of suffering unnecessarily. But then I hope they will be excited about the the potential of a future with so much control over one's destiny.
12:02 PM
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