Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New Fu Xi Wen Discovery!

It turns out that tissues break down all over the body that follow a specific pattern of degeneration based on the line of force or energetic box in which the breakdown occurs. The tissue retains its same angles as it flows throughout the body except that the final vertical angle matches the following breakdown:
Box/LOF: Vertical Angle
Forehead box: HT
Eyebrow line superior: BL-
Eyebrow line superior-middle: LI-
Eyebrow line inferior-middle: ST-
Eyebrow line inferior: LV
Face Box: PC
Jaw LOF: SP-
Neck Box: LU-
Armpit LOF: KD-
Chest Box: KD+
Rib LOF: LU+
Abdomen Box: SP+
Thigh Box: GB
Knee LOF: ST+
Shin Box: LI+
Ankle LOF: BL+
Feet Box: SI

This angle breakdown includes some theory not yet reported on in terms of repetition of Yin angles along the vertical access that were discovered after the publication of the Fu Xi Wen website and book.

When a tissue breaks down in the foot, its broken down tissue will float throughout the body with its final vertical angle SI. So, if a bone breaks down, it's floating tissue is KD(SI). If bone marrow in the foot breaks down it looks like: KD(KD)HT(SI) in its floating partial tissue form. The more complicated the sub-tissue chain, the more likely that this partially broken down tissue will settle in a very specific lock-and-key location of the body. For instance, I am finding a direct relationship between breakdowns in the anterior pituitary landing in the reproductive organs. As I treat both locations for infertility, this suddenly makes a lot of sense.

What I am describing here is a cascading disease state. A fungal infection in the anterior pituitary will degenerate its tissue. These tissue molecules have a specific shape that will lock in place at the reproductive organs, causing an imbalance to develop in that location. Breakdown in those secondary angles will lead to breakdowns in tertiary angles over time.

Cascading Disease States are likely the number one cause of aging disorders. As one ages, these cascading problems multiply geometrically, as many broken down tissues do not settle in just one location, but can accumulate in many.

Today I have created a new Spirit Branch Treatment not yet in the database called the Tissue Breakdown Treatment that treats the broken down tissues wherever they may reside throughout the body. Expect it to spend hours balancing out the internal situation, as we constantly have tissues breaking down and regenerating throughout the system. In most cases, those tissues are being processed and evacuated from the system. But, clearly, the system is not perfect and some broken down tissues do not follow the appropriate pathways.


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