Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Entertainment: Cash Cow. Healing: Cash Dweeble

I have been struck lately at how much money people spend on entertainment and how little they spend on health care. No doubt we spend a lot more on car maintenance than body maintenance, but that pales in comparison to what we spend on entertainment during any given year.

The same people that won't go to an acupuncturist or massage therapist to deal with a chronic pain will not take a moment to hand over a wad for an X Box 360 and the chunk of change for every new game.

America is an entertainment society. We love our music, books, movies, and television. We appear to value entertainment more than our well-being. Shouldn't we spend at least as much every month on our physical well-being as our music downloads? Or our cable bill? Or all our entertainment sources combined?

Every once and a while someone decides not to visit me in the clinic for acupuncture because I do not bill insurance directly. I am the right choice with unique skills and insights, but they allow their insurer to make their health care decisions. Yet the same people have no problem spending the same amount that they would need to heal on premium channels for a year. We would rather entertain than spend a solid minute thinking about what is actually important for our physical wellness.

Of course, with Fu Xi Wen, there actually is no cost to healthcare. It is free to learn. Once learned, one becomes one's own healer. So when it comes down to price, now self-maintenance is free. Absolutely free. But will people take their bodies seriously -- or will they spend the same amount of time on re-runs because they work too hard and only want to chill at night? I don't know, but I have my suspicions.

Now don't get me wrong, I like entertainment and I like chilling. But now that I know Fu Xi Wen, I treat myself (as needed) while I watch my favorite shows. It is a win-win for me. Just yesterday I realized my heart muscle was weakened by the Water excess period that just ended. A weakened heart is a bad thing, especially for the long-term. I treated myself while watching Planet Earth. It was awesome -- Planet Earth. And I have to say I felt so much better when it was over.

Take a short break from entertainment and learn Fu Xi Wen. Forever after, it is win-win.


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