Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Updated Improve Your Vision Module Redux

Ok, folks. I have been unhappy with the improve your vision module. I recently tried to improve its results by focusing the treatment on improving the visual processing areas of the brain. This appears to have had little effect on visual acuity, which is the focus of people's actual interest -- and my own.

With Fu Xi Wen, I returned my vision back to 20/20. I did so by applying FXW principles while waiting for patients to come for their office visits. I used tuning forks and I used 6 Directional Treatments, Multi-Dimensional Treatments, and used Fu Xi Wen Feng Shui. Two of those theories cannot be replicated with the Healing Sound Jukebox, as they involve actually moving your own body in space. The module, therefore has its limitations.

That said, I have once again re-jiggered the module to focus more on the muscles and ligaments that are most important for visual acuity. I have also added components that balance the liver organ, which is the Gateway for the face -- and is directly associated in traditional thought with the eyes.

I have to say, I am happy with this module and feel the results will meet people's goals more effectively.

Oh, and don't forget -- Fu Xi Wen and the Healing Sound Jukebox are free. So there is no reason to stay visually challenged!

Best wishes,
Ethan Borg
President, Ethan Borg, LLC.


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