Clinical Discoveries: Female Infertility
Fu Xi Wen is a free, elite medicine that is a secret you can share. The latest underground discovery has to do with inflammatory processes and how they disrupt the body to create all kinds of disease states.
One such problem is female infertility. The latest clinical discovery is that inflammatory cells are creating a hostile environment for sperm and eggs. The modern age is replete with dangers to the body -- hundreds of untested chemicals in common everyday products have been found in human blood. It should come as no surprise that our immune systems are acting imbalanced and confused. Inflammatory cells LV(HT) and GB(HT) have been found to be imbalanced in the uterus and whichever ovary has a history of cysts.
These discoveries have not yet been added to the Healing Sound Jukebox Female Infertility module. Stay tuned!
Ethan Borg
Ethan Borg, LLC.