Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Waiting For Collaborators

Fu Xi Wen was designed from the get-go to be a collaborative medicine. While in its first two years of existence, this has been completely wrong, instead of giving up entirely, we are taking the long term view. Eventually people will want to get involved. When you are ready to do so, we are ready to add a wiki and bulletin boards, which otherwise have remained relatively unused and have thus been temporarily discarded. So, when you are ready to join the conversation, please let us know!

Spirit Branch Medicine: new Fu Xi Wen self-treatment project

Fu Xi Wen is an open source medical theory. Over the last year, a new method of self-treatment was developed that had been tentatively called Fu Xi Wen 2.0 (FXW 2.0). Just as with the Healing Sound Jukebox and Emoteishin, Fu Xi Wen 2.0 was an application of Fu Xi Wen theory. Fu Xi Wen theory has many possible applications and the fear at Ethan Borg LLC was that people would perceive Fu Xi Wen to be a spiritual medicine like FXW 2.0, which it is not. As a result, we have renamed FXW 2.0 and divided it from Fu Xi Wen. Introducing Spirit Branch Medicine.

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