Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Chemical/Heavy Metal Detox: Fu Xi Wen Newsletter V.2

Detoxifying From Heavy Metals and Chemicals!

Fu Xi Wen Newsletter V.2 02/22/09 Http://

What is Fu Xi Wen?

If you are new to this newsletter, you may not realize there is a new medicine on the block called “Fu Xi Wen” (pronounced “Foo shee when”). This medicine is entirely free to use (though your donations are appreciated). You will feel like a kid in a candy store once you realize that you can heal yourself from a myriad of health problems simply by clicking on links on a web page. That web page is located at:

Dear Friends,

We live in a toxic sea. Our food, water, indoor environments and outdoor environments are filled with heavy metals, carcinogens, and neurotoxins. Cord blood samples in newborns have found hundreds of man-made chemicals being passed from mother to child through the umbilicus. Which is to say, for the youngest generations, even their internal environments start off in a polluted state – which likely explains the tremendous rise in autism and other neurological disorders in children.

In truth, even though the first Chinese emperor died of mercury poisoning (in the attempt to become immortal), I never really gave much thought to “toxins”, which I have considered mostly a Western concept. That is, up until now! Heavy metals were not on my radar, nor where chemical toxins outside of the pesticides I avoid by eating mostly organic foods. One thing led to another and I found myself recently creating a treatment to purge mercury from the system of an autistic child. A conversation with an autism nurse pushed me to look beyond mercury into other heavy metals, such as Chromium VI and Arsenic. So, after some research on toxic metals and chemicals, I developed even more detoxifying treatments and then used them on myself. I can honestly tell you toxins are front and center on my radar now. While I consider myself healthy and in good shape, I was absolutely dumbstruck to discover the range and depth of chemical and heavy metal infiltration in my body.

In Chinese medicine, we have a treatment strategy called “purging”. For years, I never fully understood this methodology. Why would you ever want to push energy out through the stools, through vomiting (not used in these Fu Xi Wen treatments), or through bodily excretions when transforming energy is easy enough to do and far more pleasant. Recently, however, I discovered the value of purgation. The complicated molecules of man made chemicals, for instance, are not so easy to transform into their Five Element components – and thus return to balance and harmony. Perhaps this is one reason why these chemical can last in our bodies for decades. Our natural processes cannot adequately handle the burden of this chemical soup in which we now reside. The best way to get rid of this burden, it turns out, is to purge it out through the stools or the airways. Your body simply will never balance out these toxins. They have to be excreted.

Is detoxing for everyone or is it just for auto-immune and neurological patients?

Everyone lives in the toxic soup so everyone benefits from detoxification – with one exception. Contraindications: Pregnant or breast-feeding mothers should absolutely not use these treatments until this time period has passed in their lives. The process of getting these complex molecules to the small intestine and into the stools requires a ride through the blood stream. Given this, pregnant and nursing mothers can more easily pass these transporting toxins to their children at this time. But for everyone else, I strongly encourage you to start detoxifying your body right away.

What does it feel like?

Most of these treatments detoxify through the stools. The first sensation that sensitive people will feel is an extremely feint tingling in the tissues where the toxins have settled -- within moments of accessing the treatment. One may then feel a drawing sensation as if the toxins are being pulled out. Then the next most likely sensation is warmth in the middle of the abdomen as the toxins are directed into the stools. Passing the stools may be an unusual experience where one may feel warmth at the rectum or experience a short term difficulty in evacuating. Once complete, one can expect a feeling of general wellness and improved vitality within 24 hours. For toxins that excrete through airways, one may notice nasal discharge, dryness in the airway, and possibly some wheezing and tightness. If you suffer from asthma, you will need to decide whether or not to jump into this whole-heartedly or dab your toes a little at a time. However, I think you may also notice that your overall asthma may improve following the detoxification. I cannot guarantee this, of course. For all recipients of these treatments, you are likely to taste metal in your mouth with heavy metal treatments or feel as if the nerves in your lips feel strange. These are short term symptoms that will go away within 24 hours.

Fu Xi Wen Detoxification

You will find the following treatments under the new “DETOX” category on the Fu Xi Wen website ( You will need to repeat these treatments many times to fully detoxify from each item. Do not use any individual treatment more than once a day.

Heavy Metals

  • Mercury Treatment. this treatment clears mercury. Mercury is found in everything from metal amalgam fillings in the mouth (which are left alone by this treatment) to the flu vaccine as a preservative to the foods we eat. Mercury becomes an environmental toxin when coal is burned. Burning coal is the most common method of energy production in the United States.

  • Chromium 6 Treatment/ Hexavalent Chromium Treatment. Featured as the toxin that infiltrated the drinking water in the movie Erin Brockovitch, Chromium VI is a carcinogen (mainly for the lungs) found in paints, pigments, tanning products, and preservatives.

  • Lead Poisoning Treatment. While we think of lead as being toxic in lead paint, we tend to forget its other common uses: building construction materials, certain vinyls, gasoline (now it is “unleaded”), batteries, solder, fusible alloys, to name a few. Recently, it was found in children's toys manufactured in China, leading to numerous recalls. Lead is toxic to the nervous system (worse for developing children), is responsible for blood and brain disorders, and accumulates in bones and soft tissues of the body. Lead damages the kidneys, can be responsible for female infertility, causes mental deficits, delays puberty, and can result in recurrent abdominal pains. It is considered dangerous to the CNS, the cardiovascular system, the kidneys, and the immune system.

  • Arsenic Treatment. Arsenic is a carcinogen to the lungs, skin, and vascular system. Arsenic is a natural metal that is released when coal is burnt, during glass production, when smelting metals, and can occur naturally in groundwater. It can be found in metal alloys, pigments, electrical devices, medications, wood preservatives, animal poisons, animal feed, and pesticides. Arsenic also interrupts energy production inside the mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells.

  • Asbestos Treatment. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is carcinogenic to the lungs, the lining of organs, and the gastrointestinal tract. While no longer used in modern construction, older buildings can still have asbestos found in roofing, floor or exterior tiles, and fire-resistant textiles. Asbestos is natural and can be found in drinking water and outdoor air.

  • Cadmium Treatment. Cadmium is a known prostate carcinogen that can be found in batteries, pigments, plastics, solders, and metal coatings. It is mainly released when burning trash and fossil fuels for energy. Smokers, however, directly inhale it with every puff.

  • Nickel Treatment. Nickel is a natural metal that is carcinogenic to the nose and lungs. It can be found in batteries, ceramics, nickel plating, and in ferrous alloys.


  • Chemical Detox Treatment. This treatment locates human-made chemicals that can be safely removed from the body and then purges these through the bowels. There are thousands of known human-made chemicals that infiltrate the body with few ever tested for their toxicity.

  • Nicotine Treatment / Secondhand Smoke Treatment. Nicotine is the main addictive chemical in tobacco products. This treatment identifies the nicotine in the body and purges it back out through the airways. While not a smoker, I noticed an ever so slight “buzz” when I used this treatment. So, it is possible for smokers who have quit smoking to feel the physiological affect of nicotine in their system for a short time. I do not know whether or not this would cause the return of cravings or whether this would completely stop any residual cravings. If you were a past smoker and you try this treatment, please let me know how this treatment made you feel.

  • Benzene Treatment. Benzene has been identified as a source of leukemias including Hodgkin Lymphoma. It is found in fuels, tobacco smoke, industrial emissions, car exhaust, solvents, fumigants, printing chemicals, paints, rubber, dry cleaning chemicals, adhesives, coatings, and detergents. Benzene gets into the blood and harms the bone marrow, which in Chinese medicine is akin to harming one's vital essence. It depresses the immune system and increases rates of infection. Organs that are damaged by benzene include the kidneys, liver, lung, heart, and brain. It also damages DNA. Benzene can cause menstrual irregularities and decrease the size of the ovaries.

  • Refrigerant Treatment / Vinyl Chloride Treatment. The refrigerant Vinyl Chloride is a known liver and vascular system carcinogen. It is mainly found in refrigerants but can also be found in adhesives for plastics, PVC, and vinyl polymers.

  • Dioxin Treatment. Pollution contains dioxins, organic compounds that are created when wastes such as PVCs are incinerated. They also occur naturally during forest fires or volcano eruptions. While breathing dioxins in the most direct exposure, since they are easily absorbed in fat, they can also enter the body through eating animal products. Dioxins are attributed to nervous system pathologies, thyroid disorders, breakdowns in the immune system, endometriosis, and diabetes.

  • Aflatoxin Treatment. If you have been a patient of mine, you know I spend a lot of time thinking about fungal infections in the body. I see them as a very common problem that can cause many intractable conditions. Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic toxin produced by certain fungi often found on everyday foods such as peanuts. In addition to cancer, this toxin damages the liver and is known to stunt development in children.

  • Radon Treatment. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that infiltrates homes through the ground. It is a known lung carcinogen.


  • The Complete Detox Treatment. Caution: this treatment is very strong. Consider treating the above treatments individually instead. This treatment is designed to treat the recipient with every purgative treatment in the Fu Xi Wen database. Does not need the healing treatment listed next.

Healing and Recovery

  • Heal Purged Tissues Treatment. Once you treat yourself with a purgative treatment, it is highly recommended that you use this treatment. Toxins in the body have settled into tissues. These tissues are therefore damaged as a result of this proximity. This treatment treats every imbalanced tissue where the toxin was removed with the Primary Method Treatment that balances all sub-tissues within the affected tissue.


When you try these treatments you will likely notice a very slight buzzing sensation emanating from different tissues throughout your body. This will illustrate to you how deeply these toxic materials have infiltrated your body and the breadth of your exposure. For instance, the location of its tingling is likely to be different than Chromium 6, which can be found all over the body, compared against Nicotine, for secondhand exposure, which will likely tingle in the nose and nasopharynx. Not everyone is sensitive to their bodies and some people may feel nothing at all, except a feeling of improved vitality a day or two after treatment.

After you use Fu Xi Wen and experience its benefits, don't forget to make a donation. Fu Xi Wen is free medicine and you can use it as many times as you need it. But free treatments doesn't mean it was free to make. Precious time and resources have been allocated to creating these treatments. Your support keeps new free treatments in the pipeline – treatments that one day may make all the difference to you and your loved ones. And thank you for your support!

Best wishes,

Ethan Borg


Ethan Borg, LLC.


P.S. Don't forget to pass this newsletter on to people you think may be interested. This is especially a good one to send along to cancer patients, auto-immune sufferers, and people with neurological complaints. If you would like to be added to the newsletter, please send a request to be added to: newsletter|at symbol| And, if you would like to be taken off the list, send that request to the same address. Thank you!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Send In Your Fu Xi Wen Testimonials

Share your Fu Xi Wen experience! Email us your Fu Xi Wen Testimonial!

Thank you!
Ethan Borg
Ethan Borg, LLC.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

First Ever Fu Xi Wen Newsletter

Dear Friends,

You have probably not yet tried the new Fu Xi Wen self-treatment system. All you have to do to treat yourself is click on a link! That's it. All Fu Xi Wen treatments are free. Want to feel like a kid in a candy store? Check out over 250 free online treatments at

Fu Xi Wen Preventative Medicine

Preventative medicine means that you heal before you get sick. This is anathema to the modern health care system that waits for you to suffer before it intervenes. Fu Xi Wen offers an amazing array of self-treatment tools to help you improve the quality of your life and avoid disease. I regularly treat myself and feel fantastic. There are days I am bouncing off the walls like a seventeen year old. I have more energy now in my thirties than I ever did in my twenties. And I want the same to be true for you (at whatever age you are now).

Go to the Fu Xi Wen Website and you will find numerous disease categories from which to select. Click on “Preventative” and you will find a vast array of preventative treatment options. I would like to describe some of them to you right now so that you can get a quick start to warming your hands and feet, improving your energy, and feeling more vital. In addition to the “Preventative” section, you will also find preventative treatments in other categories such as the Cardiology and Endocrinology categories.

Treatments To Keep You Around Longer

These treatments are designed to improve your circulation, protect your heart, and heal from chronic, low grade diseases that are slowly building into dangerous conditions.

Matrix Complete Cardiac Muscle Treatment (found in the Cardiology section). This is one of my all time favorite treatments. It protects the cardiac muscle of the heart in several profound ways: it strengthens the muscle, the valves, and improves circulation in the blood vessels. This often makes people's fingers and toes tingle as they get more blood flow into their limbs.

Matrix Complete Circulation Treatment (found in the hematology section). Have cold hands or feet? This treatment warms them for good (or at least for months). It is designed to open your blood vessels for healthy circulation throughout your entire body. Impaired circulation is the most likely cause for many diseases. Take a moment to improve your blood flow. For a day or so after this treatment you will feel a bit tired and subdued as you build more blood. In a few days, you'll have even more energy as more oxygenated blood circulates through your system.

Matrix All Organ Complete Circulation Treatment. Your energy and vitality is strongly determined by the health and well-being of your organs. These, in turn, rely on healthy blood flow. This treatment balances arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, fluids, and capillaries inside every single organ.

Matrix Self-Diagnosing Advanced Infection Treatment. Whether or not you realize it, you are riddled with chronic infections. Some of your nerves have Herpes viruses buried deep inside them. Other nerves can be infected with other viruses, such as varicella (chickenpox) and Epstein Barr (mononucleosis). And, if you are a patient of mine, you probably have heard quite a bit about chronic fungal infections that are in every single person. This treatment automatically diagnoses the location of an infection and the type of infection, and then treats the infection to remove it from your body.

Mercury Treatment. I just added this treatment. Mercury is an environmental disaster. Coal plants produce mercury and spread it in the air where it then rides the food chain all the way to humans. Vaccines, such as the Flu vaccine (which is one reason I do not like this vaccine), use mercury as a preservative. Mercury is even being found in such things as High Fructose Corn Syrup – meaning many sweets on the market have it. This treatment, which you should not use more than once every three days, is designed to locate mercury in the body and direct it into the stool to be purged. Nursing mothers are prohibited from using this treatment, as the mercury must transit through the blood upon its exit and should not be directed into milk production.

There are many more preventative treatments in the database designed to help you live longer. Check out the database and you will be surprised by what is available to you.

Treatments To Make You Feel Better

Not all prevention treatments need to heal you of a problem, some can simply make you feel better.

Matrix All Hormone Treatment (look in the Endocrinology section). This treatment balances your hormones. The more you learn hot to control your Fu Xi Wen treatments, the more you realize you can direct this treatment anywhere in the body with different results. For that feel-good sensation of healthy estrogen, direct it at the thighs. For a good night sleep, direct it at your pineal gland (see the Matrix Insomnia Treatment).

Matrix Holy Cow Treatment. As you can imagine, with a name like that, I like this treatment. It balances all of the meridians, treats the tissue angles that promote longevity and healthy blood production, and balance energetic anatomical features you never even knew you had.

Clear My Emotions Treatment (located in the Psychiatry section). This treatment is designed to clear your current emotional state. As a father of young children, I can tell you that this one comes in handy when rage is building up or at moments of high frustration. Also, in this tough economy, it helps me keep a positive perspective and to turn off the immediate feelings of discouragement or despair.

Emotion Treatment (located in Psychiatry section). This treatment is great for balancing all of your emotions in a more complete and long term way.

If you are struggling with the economy, definitely check out the Psychiatry section for numerous fantastic treatments.

How To Use Fu Xi Wen And What To Expect

First of all, never treat yourself with someone else or a pet in the room with you, or your treatment will affect them as well. Fu Xi Wen treatments require repetition. One click will not solve your problem. After you treat yourself, give the treatment at least 24 hours to do its work. After that, repeat if your problem persists. You can treat yourself with multiple treatments at one sitting without any negative consequences.

You should feel an extremely light tingling sensation in your body after clicking the treatment link. This is an indicator that energy is moving. You may also feel changes in temperature or bubbling sensations.

More Treatments Available

Fu Xi Wen has treatments for every class of medical problem a person might have – cardiac to fertility to oncology and more. I have worked ceaselessly at creating the finest medicine on the planet that can deliver the best intervention at the highest speed and with the fewest side effects.

Long Distance Treatments

As an aside, I continue to treat Frederick and D.C. patients with my long distance Fu Xi Wen treatments. The advantage I offer over self-treatment is a thorough diagnostic system to help identify the causes and locations of diseases and a rich knowledge of which treatments work best for specific disorders. If you would like a long distance treatment, please email me or call 585.455.2828. A large number of my patients receive their treatments this way.

Please Share This Newsletter

The biggest problem I have with Fu Xi Wen is getting the word out. I need your help. Please pass this newsletter on to other people you want to live long lives and heal from challenging diseases. Once you see that it works you will agree that this is by far the best medicine in the world. Wouldn't you want to share it with your friends, colleagues, and loved ones?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Forums corrupted, shut down

For the second time in two years, the Fu Xi Wen Forums have been shut down. The first time, they were removed because of a hack. This time, the database became corrupted. Due to low usage, we are not going to restore them for now. Not until people request them.


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