Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Official Fu Xi Wen Website Reorg

You can now link directly to any page on the Fu Xi Wen website as the site itself has been reorganized. Previously, you were required to click on a button accepting the Fu Xi Wen User Agreement. Now, every page simply states that your use of Fu Xi Wen techniques is your acceptance of this Agreement. In other words, you can learn all you want about Fu Xi Wen without accepting the Agreement. If you actually put the theory into practice, however, then you are accepting the terms of the Agreement.

We're trying to allow more access to the theory without frightening away self-healers. At the same time, protecting our liability remains a top concern. I believe this new model meets both interests.

Visit: to see the new layout.

Ethan Borg, President
Ethan Borg LLC.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Contributor Level: A Question of Three Dimensions

So far, the entire Fu Xi Wen theory of practice has been based on two dimensional treatments. To deal with every more complicated situations, we find ourselves utilizing multiple teishin in a single line. The Multi-Dimensional treatment isn't exactly multi-dimensional, is it? Unless we go the next step and add teishin together, not just in a single line, one after another, to increase magnification, but also side-by-side. Said differently, we add teishin with the current technique, one behind the other. What happens if we place teishin one behind the other and also, simultaneously, side by side. This creates a matrix.

Given the power of Fu Xi Wen as it has been developed according to two-dimensions, it is exciting to consider what is possible by creating a teishin matrix.


Monday, February 11, 2008

The Discovery of Compounding

For those out there exploring the Multi-Dimensional treatment technique, here is a discovery that will knock your socks off. I call it "Compounding".

The Compounding technique utilizes the same number of teishin in the primary tissue as in the secondary tissue. If the imbalance is six levels deep, six teishin are used in the primary tissue angle and six teishin are used in the secondary tissue angle. If the imbalance is three levels deep, three teishin are used in the primary angle and three in the secondary. The net result is that a single treatment can balance every imbalanced energetic level all at the same time. Prior to this technique, I found myself treating each energetic level one at a time. This can be extremely time consuming. Now, a single treatment can treat innumerable levels. It is simply awesome.

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