Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Monday, September 29, 2008

New Fu Xi Wen 2.0 Treatment Method!

A new treatment method has been added to Fu Xi Wen 2.0. Now, you can initiate a treatment simply by clicking on a link. The click initiates the entire treatment. This method will not work in all cases, as some treatments require further treatment parameters -- such as directing the treatment towards specific tissues.

Congratulations on receiving such a quick and easy method for healing yourself of so many problems!


Friday, September 19, 2008

New Homepage Design

Hi All!

Check out the new Official Fu Xi Wen homepage design. It has been simplified tremendously to allow people a quick and easy flow to the information that is most relevant to them.


I need your help!

I need people who know people. Fu Xi Wen is simply not getting noticed. If you use Fu Xi Wen regularly -- please tell people. Tell everyone. Tell someone. What I really need are people who are nodes who can spread the word fast and furiously. I cannot believe what a treasure this is and how so few people know about it.

What's your advice? How should I market Fu Xi Wen, Open Source MedicineTM?


112 Fu Xi Wen 2.0 Treatments Now Online

FXW 2.0 is an amazing medicine that is entirely free (with some donation level treatments excepted). 112 Treatments are now online (not including all of the emotion treatments). 79 are completely free (plus the emotion treatments). The rest require a donation of any amount for you to download them as often as necessary. See the website for more details and go to "Treat Yourself"


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