Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Updated Ear Infection Self-Help Home Treatment Module

Hi all!

Just updated the Fu Xi Wen Ear Infection module in the Healing Sound Jukebox. Once again, this is a free self-healing module available online. Only recently did I figure out how to divide the ear into the outer, middle, and inner ear components. This means the Ear Infection module is much, much more powerful. Before, it would only treat middle ear problems. Now all ear infections should be treatable.

Ethan Borg
Ethan Borg, LLC.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Updated Improve Your Vision Module Redux

Ok, folks. I have been unhappy with the improve your vision module. I recently tried to improve its results by focusing the treatment on improving the visual processing areas of the brain. This appears to have had little effect on visual acuity, which is the focus of people's actual interest -- and my own.

With Fu Xi Wen, I returned my vision back to 20/20. I did so by applying FXW principles while waiting for patients to come for their office visits. I used tuning forks and I used 6 Directional Treatments, Multi-Dimensional Treatments, and used Fu Xi Wen Feng Shui. Two of those theories cannot be replicated with the Healing Sound Jukebox, as they involve actually moving your own body in space. The module, therefore has its limitations.

That said, I have once again re-jiggered the module to focus more on the muscles and ligaments that are most important for visual acuity. I have also added components that balance the liver organ, which is the Gateway for the face -- and is directly associated in traditional thought with the eyes.

I have to say, I am happy with this module and feel the results will meet people's goals more effectively.

Oh, and don't forget -- Fu Xi Wen and the Healing Sound Jukebox are free. So there is no reason to stay visually challenged!

Best wishes,
Ethan Borg
President, Ethan Borg, LLC.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Entertainment: Cash Cow. Healing: Cash Dweeble

I have been struck lately at how much money people spend on entertainment and how little they spend on health care. No doubt we spend a lot more on car maintenance than body maintenance, but that pales in comparison to what we spend on entertainment during any given year.

The same people that won't go to an acupuncturist or massage therapist to deal with a chronic pain will not take a moment to hand over a wad for an X Box 360 and the chunk of change for every new game.

America is an entertainment society. We love our music, books, movies, and television. We appear to value entertainment more than our well-being. Shouldn't we spend at least as much every month on our physical well-being as our music downloads? Or our cable bill? Or all our entertainment sources combined?

Every once and a while someone decides not to visit me in the clinic for acupuncture because I do not bill insurance directly. I am the right choice with unique skills and insights, but they allow their insurer to make their health care decisions. Yet the same people have no problem spending the same amount that they would need to heal on premium channels for a year. We would rather entertain than spend a solid minute thinking about what is actually important for our physical wellness.

Of course, with Fu Xi Wen, there actually is no cost to healthcare. It is free to learn. Once learned, one becomes one's own healer. So when it comes down to price, now self-maintenance is free. Absolutely free. But will people take their bodies seriously -- or will they spend the same amount of time on re-runs because they work too hard and only want to chill at night? I don't know, but I have my suspicions.

Now don't get me wrong, I like entertainment and I like chilling. But now that I know Fu Xi Wen, I treat myself (as needed) while I watch my favorite shows. It is a win-win for me. Just yesterday I realized my heart muscle was weakened by the Water excess period that just ended. A weakened heart is a bad thing, especially for the long-term. I treated myself while watching Planet Earth. It was awesome -- Planet Earth. And I have to say I felt so much better when it was over.

Take a short break from entertainment and learn Fu Xi Wen. Forever after, it is win-win.

Cowboy Medicine

I am 35 years old and recently released a new medicine under my LLC. I am an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist by training but by rights I am a cowboy doctor. Everything is new. The book is literally being re-written. Viruses and bacteria are the bane of the human condition, and yet I have developed a new tool that defeats them without side effects. I am finding new causes for diseases that have no Western cause or cure.

These are the best of times and the worst of times. The best -- because I believe it is possible for people to live longer, prevent disease, and live higher quality lives. I know from my own experience that many of my life complaints dissolved away with only the lightest of cowboy doctor interventions.

These are the worst of times because Google Analytics tells me two people came to the website today. Two. While this contradicts my web host's stats, I fight dejection every day. There is no actual way to succeed directly. The only way to succeed is through the acts of others. I can shout off roof tops forever, but only cowboys listen to cowboy doctors. So....looking for cowboys and, for that matter, cowgirls.

Prez Ethan Out. Yeeehaw!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Updated Improve Visiion Self-Help Module

I have improved upon the most popular Healing Sound Jukebox treatment: improve your vision. The new, updated module now clears swelling from the optic nerve and the parasympathetic as well as the sympathethic pathways to the eyes. This is on top of clearing swelling from the visual cortex and improving the muscles and ciliary bodies of the iris.

Treating the muscles alone returned my vision to 20/20 after decades at 20/50 or worse. The problem with treating the muscles alone is that the fix does not hold for as long as I would like. Adding the brain components helps balance the entire pathway and definitely provides for a more long-term benefit.

Ethan Borg
Ethan Borg, LLC.

Updated Improve Circulation Self-Help Module

In the clinic, when I improve people's circulation, I first remove cold that has accumulated in the arteries. The old module used a Beginner/Novice Fu Xi Wen approach to this problem by simply writing over the imbalanced energy with the balanced energy. This provides a short-term improvement but not a long one.

My goal is to update all of my current modules to make them stronger. In that light, I have improved the circulation module by focusing on clearing cold from the arteries prior to balancing them. This should provide a deeper, long term benefit.

Ethan Borg
Ethan Borg, LLC.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Human Angle Project Update: Cranial Nerves +

The goal of the Human Angle Project is the map every part of human anatomy according to its Fu Xi Wen tissue-angles. The benefit of knowing the exact tissue-angle for a problem is that it allows for pin-point treatments that can have magic bullet treatment effects.

The Anatomy Guide in The Official Fu Xi Wen Website is the repository of the Human Angle Project. The Guide was just updated today with angles for the cranial nerves, the pineal gland, and the mid-brain.

I have found one cause of obesity to be linked with a virus infecting the pineal gland. This results in obesity and insomnia.

I hope the new angles will allow people to treat diseases that lack treatment within the Western biomedical model, such as Parkinson's.

I have also found that balancing the optic nerve and the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches to the eyes offers a huge benefit above and beyond the eye improvement methodologies currently available in The Healing Sound Jukebox (an update will be forthcoming).

Ethan Borg
Ethan Borg, LLC.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Experimental Cancer Treatment Now Online

Fu Xi Wen, a new alternative medicine, just released an experimental cancer treatment based on a new theory of cancer proposed by Ethan Borg, L.Ac. and President of Ethan Borg, LLC. As the treatment is experimental, there is no guarantee that it will work. At this time, it should not be used as an alternative to chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

Fu Xi Wen has offered many advances in medicine above and beyond what is available with Western medicine. Inasmuch, there are very high hopes that the new cancer theory is correct and that this new treatment will halt and perhaps even reduce tumor growth.

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