Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Performance Boost

Have you tried Fu Xi Wen Healing Sound Jukebox and found the sounds poppy or missing altogether? It turns out the web host company is to blame. They have now moved the site to a faster server and this should result in a performance boost. Please let us know if this is incorrect.


Ha ha! No one has discovered Emoteishin yet!

Fu Xi Wen has been online at for almost a year. After hundreds of thousands of hits, still no one has discovered the gem hidden in the Advanced skill level -- the way to heal from any disease with using the force of your mind and emotions alone. Emoteishin is the universal language of life. It is how our anatomy connects with our feelings. It is the key to improving the performance of prayer in healing. And it is the most accessible door to communicating with truth at the highest level -- with no invocation of religious ideology.


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