Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Amazing things are happening in the quietude

While throngs of people have discovered Fu Xi Wen (according to web data), very few are actually discussing it and, by extension, learning it. But even in the quietude, rest assured this medicine is growing much, much stronger. When people start to communicate with each other and learn this new medical art, I will share insights upon insights that are making Fu Xi Wen treatments unbelievably powerful.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

New Fu Xi Wen Forums

Special thanks to ICMDS for creating Fu Xi Wen bulleting boards located at: In 2007, our bulletin boards were hacked and we took them down. ICMDS has created their own third-party board to discuss topics around Fu Xi Wen. It is an excellent place to ask questions and get answers from other Fu Xi Wen enthusiasts.

Fu Xi Wen Mirror Project Goes Live

Special thanks to Herb Howell and Mike Lee for their work on the Fu Xi Wen Mirror Project located at: The goal of this project is to protect Fu Xi Wen from being hacked out of existence by creating known and unknown copies of the source material spread out around the world. You can help this project by purchasing a copy of the Official Introduction to Fu Xi Wen book available through at:

Friday, April 04, 2008

New ABC Guide To Fu Xi Wen

Let's face it folks, Fu Xi Wen is one behemoth. It is a complete medicine handed down in full to the entire world. Imagine you had never heard of Western medicine and someone delivered the complete text of "Western Medicine Version 1.0" to your door. You probably would skim the surface and then feel awfully overwhelmed, even if a new medicine was exactly what you needed.

Given that I created Fu Xi Wen under the auspices of Ethan Borg, LLC, I can fully appreciate how complicated and thick this medicine is. Fu Xi Wen version 1.0 was essentially a big brain dump. While I did my best to use simple and straight-forward language, it still was me putting into words a new language about health and wellness.

Version 1.0 is there for the world to see it without restriction or exclusion. But it simply is not enough. What is needed is version 1.0 chunked up into tiny digestible parts. The reality is that I am probably too close to the density of the material to be able to chunk it up all on my own. So, for the sake of making a truly practical educational tool, I have created "The Collaborative ABC Guide To Fu Xi Wen" (the "Idiot's guide" is not only copyright infringing, it also seems stupidly condescending) linked in from the main homepage.

The goal of the Guide is to start from not knowing anything about anything and then spelling out Fu Xi Wen in plain language in a step-wise fashion using simple questions and answers to get us from not knowing anything to using it all the time.

To collaborate, all you need to do is send me an email with your question(s). I will post the answers. Your questions and my answers will create a dialog that will chunk this medicine into the tiny parts needed to truly digest it.

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