Self-Help DentistryFu Xi Wen Newsletter V.4 04/06/09
Http://www.fuxiwen.comWhat is Fu Xi Wen?If you are new to this newsletter, you may not realize there is a new medicine on the block called “Fu Xi Wen” (pronounced “Foo shee when”). This medicine is entirely free to use (though your donations are appreciated). You will feel like a kid in a candy store once you realize that you can heal yourself from a myriad of health problems simply by clicking on links on a web page. That web page is located at:
Dear Friends,Last year, I went to the dentist and was told an x-ray had picked up a cavity in one of my teeth. I was astonished to hear this as I was having no pain or discomfort whatsoever. That night, I wondered if I could use Fu Xi Wen to clear a cavity. I had used this medicine before to help patients in the throws of abscesses clear the infections and avoid further dental work, but the opportunity to test Fu Xi Wen dentistry on cavities hadn't yet materialized. So, I treated myself with what is now the Cavity Treatment. Within moments of treating myself, my tooth with the cavity woke up. It suddenly hurt like a full-blown dental nightmare. Rather than be discouraged, I saw this is a sign that I was hitting on something exciting. The pain diminished after a short period. So, I repeated the treatment multiple times the first few days then once a week for a while then monthly thereafter. All this, without scheduling with the dentist to fill the cavity.
Fast forward a year. I moved to a new city and needed to get my first dental visit. They took new x-rays. All of my teeth, including the one with the cavity a year prior passed with flying colors. In other words, based on confirming data, Fu Xi Wen cleared the cavity. I suppose one might say the cavity healed spontaneously. But, then again, that is the very point of Fu Xi Wen. Now, whenever a tooth starts to hurt, I use the Cavity Treatment and within a day or so it feels better.
Another story is also enlightening. Dentist after dentist used to tell me the same thing, that I had significant gum loss. It was incredibly discouraging because there are no Western cures for gum loss. In the mirror, I could see my gums were decreasing in size. Just as bad, my gums started to get red and were diagnosed with gingivitis.
I created a new treatment called the Gum Loss Treatment and used it on myself daily for a while then weekly then monthly then I totally forgot about it. Every time I go to the dentist now, I ask about my gum loss only to be told that my gums look good and are not any more recessed than other people my same age – and no gingivitis anymore! Granted, I did change my brushing style to be much more gentle with my gums, but that should not explain any improvement in gum “quantity”, only “quality”.
In addition to the treatments above, I have also discovered fungal infections at the roots of my teeth that were causing sudden sensations of slight discomfort and a feeling of being loose or deadening that cleared by verbally directing Fu Xi Wen to treat the infections.
I have to say, I had enough cavities and crowns as a kid and fillings as an adult to always feel apprehensive about going to the dentist. It makes me happy that Fu Xi Wen offers tools that can improve that experience by helping to uphold the vitality of my teeth and gums. Furthermore, Fu Xi Wen detox treatments also help deal with the chemicals dentists have exposed us to over the years – mercury in the silver amalgam, preservatives and other chemicals in injections, fillings and used to maintain tools.
TreatmentsYou can find most of these treatments in the Dentistry category at the Fu Xi Wen website:
http://www.fuxiwen.comCavity Treatment. This treatment balances the bones of the teeth as well as their exterior surfaces. It is fantastic for healing what is essential an ulcer in the tooth. As I mentioned above, you may feel some slight discomfort when the affected tooth wakes up to the damage and starts to repair itself. If you know you have a cavity, you may consider using it four times a day the first day then once a day for a week then once every other week then monthly for a few months. You can also use this treatment as a form of preventative medicine once every month, in addition to brushing and flossing. If you break a tooth, this treatment will not likely help you. Also, don't put off emergency care to try Fu Xi Wen. Also, it is outside of my scope to ask you to discontinue any prescribed treatment by a physician.
Gum Loss Treatment. The gums are essentially the muscles of the teeth – as far as Fu Xi Wen tissue-angles go. This treatment balances these angles. Suggested use: four times a day for the first day, then every day for a couple of weeks, then monthly for several months. You can also use this treatment to prevent gum loss by treating once a month.
Tooth Infection Treatment. Even though we consider our teeth hard and impenetrable, they are actually porous and common locations for infections. This treatment is ideal for infections that are actually inside the teeth themselves. Suggested use: three times a day until the infection goes away. Also, don't forget that Fu Xi Wen is not for medical emergencies. Call your doctor, 911, or go to the hospital in the case you think you are experiencing a medical emergency.
Matrix Self-Diagnosing Advanced Infection Treatment. This treatment is found in the Immunology section and is amazing at treating any kind of infection. If you have a tooth abscess at the root of a tooth, if you are told that a nerve is dying for some unknown reason, or if you are having odd sensations in your teeth, direct this treatment with the verbal method into the affected teeth and see what it can do for you. Suggested use: three times a day until either the infection goes away or stop if it has no affect. Again, Fu Xi Wen is not for medical emergencies. Call your doctor, 911, or go to the hospital in the case you think you are experiencing a medical emergency.
Whiten Your Teeth Treatment. OK. I am vain -- and so are most people. We want white teeth because we feel this is more attractive. The problem is that I also drink coffee and tea, which yellows my teeth. This treatment balances the enamel, the bone, and the exterior surface of the teeth which makes the them look healthier and more vital. It should also cause the teeth to whiten. If you are like me and you do not give up your beverage vices, then the best you can ask for is a temporary fix. It is unclear if people who suffer from sulfa drug yellowing can benefit from this treatment. So, please let me know! Suggested use: whenever your teeth look too yellow.
Cancer Sore Treatment. Canker sores and cold sores are serious pains. There are all kinds of treatments on the market for these, but none are free like Fu Xi Wen. From a Fu Xi Wen perspective, these sores are actually colonizing viruses or bacteria. This treatment serves to attack the colony and thus clear the infection. As a result, it seriously reduces the likelihood of recurrent sores. I used to get canker sores regularly and now cannot remember the last time I had one. Suggested use: a few times the first day of the outbreak then once a day thereafter as needed.
Mucosa Treatment and Submucosa Treatment. You can find these newly released treatments in the new Miscellaneous section. Many mucus membranes in your body have two layers: submucosa on top and mucosa below. They create excellent structural barriers for the gastro-intestinal lining. If you are experiencing problems with the soft elements of the internal mouth, you may consider using these treatments to heal any damage in those locations. If you use the “Treat Me Now” option, the entire gastro-intestinal tract is treated. Otherwise, direct with the Verbal method. Suggested use: once a day for three days then once a week thereafter.
Mercury Treatment or The Complete Detox Treatment. Silver Amalgam fillings contain mercury (if that has changed, it would be a very recent change). Removal of silver amalgam fillings is thought to release mercury into your body. Mercury is a dangerous neuro-toxin. So, immediately after this kind of dental procedure (when no one is physically around – to avoid treating other people) consider accessing this treatment to detox the mercury.
Ligament Treatment and Bone Ligament Treatment and Muscle Treatment and Bone Muscle Treatment and Matrix Complete Soft Tissue Treatment. For TMJ symptoms direct any of these treatments towards the affected joint with the verbal method. Here is a couple of exclusive Newsletter treatments: Clear Excess Ligament Treatment and Clear Excess Bone Ligament Treatments are even more powerful than the basic treatments and may have an even faster impact. If you use the muscle treatments direct them to the jaw muscles above the temples and next to the jaw. Suggested use: four times the first day then every day for a couple of weeks.
New Cancer Treatment and Pre-Cancer Treatment. At this time, Fu Xi Wen is not a replacement to Western treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy or radiation. However, if I had oral cancer, I would want to use the New Cancer Treatment that is designed to initiate self-destruction by cancerous cells. Does it work? There is no Western medical proof that it works to destroy cancer cells in this manner. However, it is designed with the intention to do you no harm, so you do not have much to lose. Direct the New Cancer Treatment into the cancerous cells with the verbal method. No guarantees are being made here that this treatment will have any impact on your cancer and you should not discontinue physician prescribed treatments in exchange for Fu Xi Wen treatments. Smokers and tobacco users and those who are exposed to smokers may consider the Pre-Cancer treatment on a monthly basis to help prevent the energetic imbalance that I often find in the case of cancer – over-heating of the Fire Hormone tissue-angles. If you have oral cancer, also consider using the Matrix Self-Diagnosing Advanced Infection Treatment in the cancerous tissues in the case that an infectious agent is facilitating the growth of the cancer.
If you undergo oral surgeries of any sort, also look through the Wound section for excellent treatment to help the body heal from surgery quickly.
DonationsFu Xi Wen is donation-driven. So, please help us out and make a donation after you have benefited from these wonderful treatments.
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Ethan Borg
Ethan Borg, LLC.
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