Insights and ramblings from the creator of Fu Xi Wen, Open Source Medicine. Free alternative medicine that truly integrates Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture theory, and Feng Shui to heal from chronic diseases, terminal diseases, and other health crisis.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

When To Ice

Western medical doctors, physical therapists, and even chiropractors often recommend icing fresh wounds, acute injuries, and chronic pains. The thinking behind this advocacy is twofold:

First: when you cut off the circulation to a local inflammation, you decrease the capacity of the body to increase inflammation at that site.

Second: the cold will numb the pain.

As far as I am concerned, this is errant thinking. Once more, my position on icing is entirely contrary. Never ice a trauma except for one single condition. I advocate icing a first or second degree burn. For all other complaints, whether cuts, scrapes, bruises, muscle or tendon injuries, or chronic conditions, never ever ever apply ice.
My thinking is also twofold:

First: when you have an injury, the number one thing you want to do is increase the blood supply to the local area. The entire purpose of the inflammatory response is to cue the body to focus its attention at that location. The blood carries all of the emergency responders of the body, including cells that heal wounds and, when healing is complete, remove inflammation. When you ice the body, you decrease the blood supply to the area so you actually slow down healing.

Second: in traditional Chinese medicine, energetic cold is considered the most likely cause of chronic pains. Physical cold is one form of energetic cold, so the application of ice to the local area increases the likelihood that the injury will become chronic or that the pain will actually worsen over time.

After initial traumas, use Fu Xi Wen as soon as you can (also true for burns). Fu Xi Wen can treat the injured tissue directly and immediately start the healing process. I also use 30C of Arnica Montana, a homeopathic remedy, after an acute injury. I have found Arnica Montana is much better than ice. Much better, time after time after time. It is a wonderful medicine.

This advice is not for hemophiliacs or people suffering from other bleeding diseases. In your cases, diminishing circulation may be the best thing. But for people who do not suffer from chronic diseases, I believe icing is the worst possible thing you can do for an injury.

Ethan Borg, L.Ac. M.A.OM.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chapters Going Online

As of today, I have uploaded all of the skill levels except the Advanced level. I am excited to see the site propogating.

No one has read the chapters beside myself, so they may need a lot of revision. My Dad read the introduction and part of the FAQ. My Mom was the messenger in letting me know that he thought I needed a more official tone rather than the informal tone I am currently using.

I've looked into what it would take to convert the code so that you could select to see the informal narrative or the official narrative. Boy does that look like a serious pain in the ass. But if I get enough feedback that says I need to do it, I will. For now, I am going to let people read what I have before I spend the countless hours revising my tone.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Adding Site Functionality

I have been busily coding in three programming languages to create an interactive "kiosk" look and feel for the site. I have created an on-the-fly tissue-angle generator that will display any of the basic tissue angles. And, I have created a tissue-within-tissue generator so that next I will be able to add functionality to the more complicated Anatomy Guide that allows you to get exteremly specific about tissues to treat.

I am tremendously excited about this project. But at the same time, I have pulled more hairs on than normal. I used to be a programmer and getting back into coding is both exciting and frustrating. I am reminded why I got out of it in the first place.

The funny thing is that I am creating this blog and this website knowing that almost no one knows about the project and without any idea if anyone will realize this pearl that I am offering. I use Fu Xi Wen all of the time and it has changed my life over and again. It has also changed the lives of my family members and my patients. But will anyone take the time to learn the system? I truly do not know.

After all of these pulled hairs, I truly hope someone out there will take note.


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